Feburary - 2025 News

There's quite a lot to talk about here and I want to drop one of the heaviest ones first since I feel as that's important

This month has made this year one of the worst years of my life as I have lost the love of my Life. If anyone remembers back on the old anonicus.net site, I gave frequent updates about my beloved Fiance. She battled Cancer for 2 years and in Janurary was when we really saw her go downhill both physically and mentally, which I hoped that all this could pass as there was good signs of things working beforehand. Well, The Chemotherapy got to her and her body ended up shutting down. Not only that but unexpectedly the cancer flared massively to the point where her organs was being pushed against her. I spent all of last month actually being with her and sleeping right by her in the living room since that's where she was all this time and thank god that I did, and managed to make as many great memories right before she passed away. It's soon going to be 2 weeks since she passed away, I managed to get my final moment with her when she was at that stage where she was mostly aware, Our last kiss, our last kinda silly moment that we always share, our last little noises. I told her what she told me "I will always love you forever, even if we are stardust, I will love you forever and ever and ever.". It's... Rough. It's something that no one my age should ever have to go through. It's quite hard writing this all out, But needless to say, It was a relationship where I had no real regrets, Only the regret that we never got married and did other things. But I know she will say "It's okay baby, It's fine". I'm a huge believer in Spirits and afterlife in a Agnostic view. I feel like the times I have cried to the first gift I have gotten from her on Valentines Day from 2018 which is this stuffed doggy who I snuggled so much when I first got him. I can feel her hugging me, I can sense she's telling me it's okay that she's there. So, Now sitting here tearing up writing all this. I want you all to know, I'm going to keep going and do what she would want me to do. She was really excited for me to work on this project, and I will show her what I can do. I will always love her, and I will do things that will make me happy since that's what she would want.

Alright, time to talk about another thing. As you may have already known, The original site and Anonicus went down. They have been deleted now. What had happened was that I got into an argument with someone and basically how I took it was them trying to put me down since Neocities made that post about AI on bluesky. Which again, AI shit I will ignore sites that like to use em. If you seen my past blogs on Anonicus, you would know about the time there was this AI kid who wanted me to put them on my site where I slowly took them off since I did not want to deal with that kind of stuff or support that kind of stuff. I am a person of talent and I like seeing talent. Anyways, Basically they wanted people to not use neocities and stuff because of it and I just almost deleted every account including my Discord, But luckily I did not delete my Discord looking back at what had happened this past month. One of my friends said that I blew it out of proportion but I do not know, I think kinda I did and going forward I will not let it get to me again. Now, What am I gonna do with my old site? I'm going to put it back up, but I think going forward It will be archived pretty much, I will still pay for my domain since I have important email accounts there. But I actually have Plans that I do not know if I will do, but I want to do other things and put the old site in a archive. So yeah, That's the whole thing with that. Going forward, Any new Art I will make will be posted here since Parallel Nocturne is gonna be a bit more than just a Webcomic, It's the group for my characters if that makes sense. I refuse to call it a "Brand" cause I do not want to be associated with Corpo algo Balago talk.

There's still things I need to do left before I get on with posting updates and start the webcomic, But if things goes smoothly, Expect something this upcoming month. I am probably a lot more Motivated than ever, Because this is something my Fiance would have wanted me to do. She's the motivation and I will make her Proud. So! Expect new Art from me every week! You can catch me making Art every weekend on Twitch, there's a button on the page for it. It will typically start at around 12/1 PM Central Time (Chicago) (No I do not live in Chicago) Every Saturday and Sunday! That's really all that I have to update for this month, It's a pretty sad month as This past week I finally managed to get off the sofa instead of laying on it and rot away on it. Seriously, There was a day where I layed there with nothing but my thoughts until like 3 PM it's been bad.

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